Supporting Work From Home
Suddenly, it’s a very different world. Your digital devices, particularly your home desktop computer or laptop are now the only way to earn a living and communicate with friends, family and co-workers. This stuff has to work now.
At Omnium Design, we’ve been doing remote tech support for many years. There are a number of different tools we can use so we can see what’s on your screen, and talk you through what you need to do, or even click on things for you from our office in White Bear Lake.
We work with both Mac and Windows computers. We use seven major video chat programs and can help you get started. Our minimum remote session is 30 minutes, and the first 15 minutes on the phone are always free.
If it’s a problem that we can’t fix, we’ll do our best to help you find someone who can!
Contact us or call 612-481-2320
To get ready for our first session, download Chrome Remote Desktop, TeamViewer for Mac or Windows, or we can set up a Zoom meeting with screen sharing. (One way or another, I just need to see your screen.) Then make the call.
You can make a payment electronically right here: