Obsessed with vinyl since age 3, I’ve been selling records online for many years now; recently I’ve been doing more of it in person at record shows and other events. The Twin Cities is an amazing town for used vinyl, with new indie shops springing up every month it seems.
On the other hand, last year, one of those shops (Yeti Records) decided to close its permanent location and move to a “food truck” model, popping up around town at different locations. Now records can come to the people, instead of the other way around.
The established record shows usually put out flyers in stores and at prior shows… fine enough, but what would a modern version look like?
Last year, GoJohnnyGo and I started PopUpRecordShop. Nothing fancy, just a dot org, a Tumblr and a Twitter account. As of now, I’ve got posts scheduled through August — to add your event, contact me with info text, an eye-catching pic, and a web link.
PS I’ll be “popping up” with a vinyl booth at the Memory Lanes Block Party May 25 & 26.